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Bring the Runway to Your FSL Classroom with a Fashion Show Themed Transformation

Writer's picture: Brigitte DupontBrigitte Dupont

Updated: Jul 22, 2024

Fashion Show Classroom Transformation for FSL

Looking to create a fun and stylish learning environment for your FI students? Why not try a fashion show themed classroom transformation? This guide will provide you with creative ideas and tips on how to bring the runway to your classroom and make learning a fashionable experience for your students.

Please note that the downloadable lesson is at the bottom of this post!

classroom transformation ideas

Lets start with the decor, I purchased everything for this transformation at Party City! I'll start with the way I set up my class, then explain the activities!

Fashion Show Themed Decor

A Hollywood Classroom Transformation

Middle School French Classroom Transformations

French Classroom Transformation

The only thing you see that isn't from Party City is the Green Screen (which I have at my school). You can download the Green Screen App for $3,99!

I always separate my class into groups during Transformations. To add to the theme, I put tablecloths! This time, I went with red for my Hollywood Theme! Then, on each desk, I added themed pencils. I also added a silver and gold bucket on each group of desks.

Fashion Show Lesson Plan

Classroom Transformation Ideas

On these two tables, I added black tablecloths as well as Hollywood confetti and starts. I also added the popcorn bags (for a treat to my students), a gold and silver bucket for my reward system - which I'll get into soon, a trophy, and my Adjective Show Paddles which I made myself. That's it for the decor! You can print cardstock versions of the paddles (which you'll find at the bottom of this blog, on coloured paper)!

Reward System

Whenever I do a classroom transformation, I make sure to have a strong reward system. For this one, students get a gold and silver bucket on their desk. I purchased plastic gold money. Whenever they were working well as a team, completed a task first, spoke french, pretty much do anything good, I gave them coins. If I noticed that students were arguing, not on task, etc., I gave them a film strip which meant that their movie wasn't working. One film strip took away two coins. At the end of the day, the team with the most coins go the trophy on their desk for the next day! This system works really well and the kids absolutely love it!

Day plan

8:45-9:15 Homework/Silent Reading/Question of the Day Objective: Homework, Question of the Day & Silent Reading

Question (on white board) : Are you excited for the fashion show? Why or why not?

As students walk in, tell them they are to find their desks (they've probably been rearranged and to not touch anything. Routine must stay the same as usual for the morning part (now they may be a little excited, and I try to be reasonable). Once everyone has arrived and completed their morning tasks, I get them to come to the carpet. We do our morning announcements and then review the question of the day. Usually my focus is on writing complete sentences with punctuation & capital letters. They need these reminders. I read their answers, allowing them to share if they wrote it (of course if they want to share) and we have a fun discussion about their answers, all while reviewing their sentences.

9:15-10:15 Adjective Fashion Show/Writing

We proceeded as follows. Give the groups the numbers 1-10 (you'll need to print them preferably on card stock). Each group needs ONE set of numbers. One group at a time got up and left the classroom. Then, they walked in the class and modelled down our catwalk, one at a time. The students that were watching had a white board. They had 2 minutes to write down all the adjectives they could think of (as a group), while I did a photoshoot with my models. Then, at the end of the two minutes, they counted the amount of Adjectives and lifted their paddles to go with the appropriate amount. That means, if they wrote 10 adjectives, they showed the number 10 paper they had. I then asked them to name me the adjectives they came up with and wrote them down on chart paper. Once every group had shared their adjectives, we moved onto the next group!

* Remember to explain that they are not RATING their outfits but simply showing the number of adjectives they thought of.

Once every single group had passed, students had to separate all the adjectives we thought of into the appropriate categories, like like we did with my shared reading adjectives. I like to give them chart paper to do this as well as markers. Once the groups were done, we reviewed them as a class.

10:15-10:45 Reading

Students went over the Fashion Show Text, and highlighted all the adjectives! Once they were done, and it was approved by me, they answered the questions at the back of their page. Each student should have their OWN copy, but they can help each other out.

10:45-11:25 Nutrition Break & Recess

Students should now know the rules of nutrition break, feel free to see how they do without repeating yourself. If they have a hard time, review rules tomorrow.

11:25-11:55 Celebrate

Congratulations, you've survived your first transformation. Now, I love to take this time to treat my students with popcorn, announce the winning team (they will have the trophy tomorrow) and look at their fashion show pictures with them. Ask them what they enjoyed and didn't enjoy, their favourite part, etc. I also ask them to help me set up for the next group!

11:55 Start over with your new group

Here is your Free Content on FSL Classroom with a Fashion Show Themed Transformation Lesson Plans - PDFs

Day 3

- Adjective Party

- Fashion Show Shared Reading

- Q&A Fashion Show

- Grammar: Adjective Fashion Show

Download Here:

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- History of Backpacks Shared Reading

- Shared Reading Weekly Routine

- Q&A History of Backpacks

- Backpack Art

- Model of a Descriptive Paragraph

- Grammar: Adjectives

- Adjective Letter Home

Day 3 Downloadable file above

- Adjective Party

- Fashion Show Shared Reading

- Q&A Fashion Show

- Grammar: Adjective Fashion Show

- Group Descriptive Paragraph

- Expectations Descriptive Paragraph

- Grammar: Adjective Cards

- Group Descriptive Paragraph - Practice Assessment

- Descriptive Paragraph Rubric

- Individual Descriptive Paragraph

- Descriptive Paragraph Rubric

- Speaking: Descriptive Paragraph Presentation

- Speaking Rubric

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Transformation Theme Ideas


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